marți, 9 iunie 2009

Diode Laser Hair Removal

Diode laser hair removal is the one of newer forms of laser hair removal on the market but is currently the most popular of all laser hair removal options.

As with other newer laser hair removal options, the Diode laser has limited research showing evidence of long term results.

The Diode utilizes a longer wavelength than both the Ruby and Alexandrite lasers enabling it to achieve deeper penetration of the skin which allows it to treat darker skinned patients than either of these two lasers.

Still, the Diode generally doesn't treat darker skinned patients as well as the Nd: YAG laser system.

Having said that, Diode laser hair removal tends to work well on dark, coarse hair. With its ability to treat relatively large spot sizes, it is also an option for large body areas like the back.

Here are some things to think about if you're considering the Diode hair removal laser option.

Diode Laser Hair Removal: Benefits

  • Compared to most other lasers, has a longer wavelength which might offer better results for people with darker skin.
  • Works well with dark (ie. black and brown) hair.
  • Tends to allow rapid treatment of larger body areas.
  • Has a long pulse width that can be adjusted by the practitioner doing the treatment.
  • Has a longer wavelength which offers deeper skin penetration and safer treatment of darker skin.

Diode Laser Hair Removal: Considerations

  • Like other lasers, doesn't work with light or white hair.
  • Generally not as successful as treating darker skin types as the Nd: YAG laser.
  • Side effects could include scars, burns, skin discoloration, redness and swelling.
Long term success and possible side effects of the hair removal will also vary by patient.


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